
来源:互联网  作者:本站整理

201、browser.urlbar.autocomplete.showSearch *显示搜索
202、browser.visited_color * 设置已访问链接的颜色(#RRGGBB)

203、 * 在新建的窗口中打开:
* -1 : Browser startup page浏览器启动页面
* 0 : Blank page空白页面
* 1 : Your homepage主页
* 2 : Last visited上一次访问过的页面

204、calendar.categories.names * 一列用逗号分割的分类
205、 * 日期显示设置
206、 *日历的日期格式
* 0 : Long短格式
* 1 : Short长格式

207、calendar.week.start * 0 : Sunday * 1 : Monday * 2 : Tuesday * 3 : Wednesday * 4 : Thursday * 5 : Friday * 6 : Saturday
208、capability.policy * Mozilla性能策略
209、capability.policy.default * 默认策略
210、capability.policy.default.DOMException * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access
211、capability.policy.default.DOMParser * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access
212、capability.policy.default.HTMLDocument * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access
213、capability.policy.default.History * 允许访问历史属性和methods(method怎么翻译啊) * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access
214、capability.policy.default.Location * 允许访问地址栏属性和methods(下面几个类似了) * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access
215、capability.policy.default.Navigator * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access
216、capability.policy.default.SOAPCall * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access
217、capability.policy.default.Window * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access
218、capability.policy.default.XMLHttpRequest * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access
219、capability.policy.mailnews. * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access
220、capability.policy.mailnews.DOMException * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access
221、capability.policy.mailnews.DOMParser,parseFromStream * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access
222、capability.policy.mailnews.DOMParser,parseFromString * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access
223、capability.policy.mailnews.HTMLAnchor * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access
224、capability.policy.mailnews.HTMLDocument * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access
225、capability.policy.mailnews.Location * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access
226、capability.policy.mailnews.Range * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access
227、capability.policy.mailnews.SOAPCall * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access
228、capability.policy.mailnews.SOAPEncoding * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access
229、capability.policy.mailnews.SOAPFault * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access
230、capability.policy.mailnews.SOAPHeaderBlock * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access
231、capability.policy.mailnews.SOAPParameter * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access
232、capability.policy.mailnews.SOAPPropertyBagMutator * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access
233、capability.policy.mailnews.SOAPResponse * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access
234、capability.policy.mailnews.SchemaLoader * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access
235、capability.policy.mailnews.Window * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access
236、capability.policy.mailnews.XMLHttpRequest * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access
237、capability.policy.mailnews.XMLSerializer * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access
238、capability.policy.mailnews.document * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access
239、capability.policy.mailnews.sites * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access

240、 capability.policy.policynames *Comma-separated list of defined policies. For example, if the value of this field is 'popupsites',
Mozilla will look for and apply policies under 'capability.policy.popupsites.*' as for the 'default' scheme.

241、capability.policy.popupsites *Suggested policy name to apply to Mozilla sites that display unwelcome popups.
242、capability.policy.popupsites.windowinternal *Policy to apply to Mozilla sites that display unwelcome popups
243、 *Allow access to opening windows * allAccess : All Access * noAccess : No Access
244、clipboard.autocopy * 自动复制到剪贴板(选定后放开左键即复制,类似于mIRC)经测试又无效,变成true了还是没有自动复制,不知道怎么了,我测试的大部分键值都有问题。
245、compose.throbber.url *Specifies URI to load when composer throbber is clicked
246、content.interrupt.parsing * [有待测试]
247、content.max.tokenizing.time * [有待测试]
248、content.maxtextrun * [有待测试]
249、content.notify.backoffcount * [有待测试]
250、content.notify.interval * [有待测试]
251、content.notify.ontimer * [有待测试]
252、content.switch.threshold * [有待测试]
253、converter.html2txt.header_strategy *Set how headers are used when converting HTML to Text
* 0 : No Identation
* 1 : Indentation, increased with header level
* 2 : Numbering and slight indentation
254、converter.html2txt.structs *Output structured phrases (based on strong, em, code, sub, sup, b, i, u tags)
255、custtoolbar.personal_toolbar_folder *Override name of the Personal Toolbar Folder
256、dom.allow_scripts_to_close_windows * 允许Javascript关闭窗口
257、dom.disable_cookie_get * 允许Javascript读取cookie
258、dom.disable_cookie_set * 允许Javascript创建/改变cookie
259、dom.disable_image_src_set * 允许Javascript改变图片
260、dom.disable_open_click_delay * 禁止在某一特定的延迟后打开弹出窗口
261、dom.disable_open_during_load * 允许Javascript打开未请求的窗口
262、dom.disable_window_flip * 允许Javascript最大化/最小化窗口
263、dom.disable_window_move_resize * 允许Javascript移动窗口/改变窗口尺寸
264、dom.disable_window_open_feature * 弹出窗口设置(选项都可望文生义)
265、dom.disable_window_status_change * 允许Javascript改变窗口状态栏的显示内容
266、editor.active_link_color *Hex value (#RRGGBB) for a link that has just been clicked on
267、editor.always_show_publish_dialog *Always show the Publish dialog when saving pages
268、 *Default author for Composer documents
269、editor.auto_save *Enable/Disable automatic saving
270、editor.auto_save_delay *If auto_save enabled, how many minutes between saves
271、editor.background_color *Default custom hex value (#RRGGBB) for background color
272、editor.background_image *Default location for background image

273、editor.css.default_length_unit *Determines default units for measurement in CSS
* cm : Centimetres
* em : Em space
* ex : Ex space
* in : Inches
* mm : Millimetres
* % : Percentage of parent element
* pc : Picas
* px : Pixels
* pt : Point

274、editor.default_background_image *Set default background image to use when creating new web pages
275、editor.encode_entity * [有待测试]
276、editor.followed_link_color *Default custom hex color (#RRGGBB) for visited links
277、editor.history *Composer history settings
278、editor.history_title_FOO *Recently edited document FOO
279、editor.history_url_FOO *Recently edited document URL FOO
280、editor.history.url_maximum *Number of URLs Composer will store for recent pages
281、editor.hrule.align *Alignment of new horizontal line (HRULE)
* 0 : Left
* 1 : Center
* 2 : Right
282、editor.hrule.height *Default horizontal line height (HRULE)
283、editor.hrule.shading *3D Shading on
284、editor.hrule.width *Default HRULE width
285、editor.hrule.width_percent *Width measured in % of window (If false, use absolute pixels)
286、editor.html.typing.returnInEmptyListItemClosesList * [有待测试]
287、editor.htmlWrapColumn *Value after which Composer will wrap HTML
288、editor.html_editor *Location of outside HTML editor (blank for none)
289、editor.image_editor *Location of outside graphics editor (blank for none)
290、editor.lastFileLocation *Preferences for last file location
291、editor.lastFileLocation.html *Location of last HTML file opened
292、editor.lastFileLocation.image *Location of last image file opened
293、editor.link_color *链接颜色Default custom hex color value (#RRGGBB) for unvisited link
294、editor.prettyprint *Color-code/format HTML for readability
295、editor.publish *Publishing settings (most settings only present if Publish has been configured)
296、editor.publish. * Unknown settings, probably bug
297、editor.publish.default_site *Default site to publish to
298、editor.publish.site_data *Contains settings for each Publish site
299、editor.publish.site_data.FOO *FOO site data
300、editor.publish.site_name *Contains naming information for each Publish site, in order from 0
301、editor.publish.site_name.FOO *Site name FOO (look up this value's entry in editor.publish.site_data for more information)
302、editor.quotesPreformatted *Preformat quotes
303、editor.save_associated_files *Save associated files (images, etc.) when saving web page
304、editor.singleLine *Single line options
305、editor.singleLine.pasteNewlines *Convert up to X lines into a URL (good for copying URLs split over multiple lines)
306、editor.table.delete_key *是否显示 标签关闭按钮
307、editor.table.maintain_structure *Maintain table layout when inserting/deleting cells
308、editor.text_color *文本颜色Default custom hex text color (#RRGGBB) for new pages
309、editor.throbber.url *URL throbber points to when clicked
310、editor.toolbars *Customize Editor toolbars
311、editor.toolbars.showbutton.FOO *Show button FOO
312、editor.use_background_image *Composer uses background image (seems to have no effect)
313、editor.use_css *Use CSS instead of HTML attributes
314、editor.use_custom_colors *Use customs colors defined above in New Page Settings
315、editor.use_custom_default_colors * [有待测试]
316、editor.use_html_editor *Use an outside HTML editor (defined in editor.html_editor)
* 0 : No
* 1 : Yes
317、editor.use_image_editor *Whether to use an outside graphics editor (defined in editor.image_editor)
* 0 : No
* 1 : Yes
318、extensions.irc.colorCodes *Allow IRC color codes
319、extensions.irc.debug *Debugging options for ChatZilla!
320、extensions.irc.debug.tracer *Debugger tracing on
321、extensions.irc.desc *Default description used when chatting (/desc [name])
322、extensions.irc.focusNewTab *Focus switches to new tabs when opened
323、extensions.irc.initialScripts *Initial scripts to run when Chatzilla! is started
324、extensions.irc.initialURLs *Initial URLs to open when ChatZilla! is started
325、extensions.irc.msgBeep *Beep pattern to use when new message is received
326、extensions.irc.munger *Sets how ChatZilla! handles text (converting text to smilies, etc.)
327、extensions.irc.munger.bold *Mark *text* as bold
328、extensions.irc.munger.bugzilla-link *Display URL link to BugZilla on startup
329、 *Display URL links to IRC channels on startup
330、extensions.irc.munger.colorCodes *Allow use of color codes
340、extensions.irc.munger.ctrl-char * [有待测试]
341、extensions.irc.munger.ear *Convert 'ear' ASCII art to graphics
342、extensions.irc.munger.face *Convert 'face' ASCII art to graphics
343、extensions.irc.munger.italic *Mark /text/ as italic
344、 *Mark up URLs as links
345、extensions.irc.munger.mailto *Mark up e-mail addresses as links
346、extensions.irc.munger.rheet * [有待测试]
347、extensions.irc.munger.smileyText *Convert smiley text to graphics
348、extensions.irc.munger.teletype *Enable display of text in teletype format
349、extensions.irc.munger.underline *Mark _text_ as underlined
350、extensions.irc.munger.word-hyphenator *Hyphenate words in ChatZilla!
351、extensions.irc.newTabLimit * [有待测试]
352、extensions.irc.newTabThreshold * [有待测试]
353、extensions.irc.nickCompleteStr *Type these character(s) to autocomplete nickname
354、extensions.irc.nickname *Default nickname used in ChatZilla!
355、extensions.irc.notify.aggressive *Use aggressive notification for new IRC events
356、extensions.irc.queryBeep *Beep pattern to use when query is received
357、extensions.irc.raiseNewTab *Raise new tabs when they are created
358、extensions.irc.reconnect *Automatically attempt to reconnect if connection is broken
359、extensions.irc.stalkBeep *Beep pattern to use when stalk pattern is detected
360、 extensions.irc.stalkWords *String pattern to 'stalk' for
(sound alert & activate/flash ChatZilla! window when string is
received via IRC)
361、 *Set possible CSS stylesheets for displaying ChatZilla! window
362、 *URI of default CSS stylesheet
363、extensions.irc.username *Default username used in ChatZilla!
364、extensions.irc.views *Set ChatZilla! parameters for each IRC view
365、 * [有待测试]
366、extensions.irc.views.chanuser * [有待测试]
367、extensions.irc.views.client * [有待测试]
368、extensions.irc.views.collapseMsgs * [有待测试]
369、extensions.irc.views.copyMessages * [有待测试]
370、 * [有待测试]
371、extensions.venkman.lastErrorMode *Set action Venkman takes when an error is detected
* ignore : Ignore Errors
* trace : Trace Errors
* break : Stop for Errors
372、extensions.venkman.lastThrowMode *Set action Venkman takes when an exception is detected
* ignore : Ignore Exceptions
* trace : Trace Exceptions
* break : Stop for Exceptions
373、extensions.venkman.layoutState.default *URI of default layout state for Venkman
374、extensions.venkman.prettyprint *Use pretty print when printing in Venkman
375、extensions.venkman.sessionView.currentCSS *URI of current session view for Venkman
376、extensions.venkman.startupCount * [有待测试]
377、font.allow_double_byte_special_chars * [有待测试]
378、font.antialias.min *Set minimum font size (in pt) at which to enable anti-aliasing.
379、font.default Default Font type
* serif : Serif
* sans serif : Sans Serif
380、 *Contains a list of directories to
search for truetype fonts, create one subentry for each directory.
381、font.embedded_bitmaps.max * [有待测试]
382、font.FreeType2 *FreeType2 support preferences (Linux only)
383、font.FreeType2.autohinted *Automatically hint FreeType characters
384、font.FreeType2.enable *Enable FreeType fonts
385、font.FreeType2.printing *Print using FreeType fonts
386、font.FreeType2.shared-library *Path to FreeType2 fonts shared directory on your system
387、font.FreeType2.unhinted *ender FreeType fonts as unhinted
388、font.internaluseonly.changed *RESERVED: Do not modify
389、 *Font Language Group (defined elsewhere)
390、 *Default fonts to use (mainly for Japanese/Korean/Chinese fontsets)
391、 *Default FOO font (mainly for Japanese/Korean/Chinese fontsets)
392、 *Default Hebrew FOO font (comma separated, in order of preference)
393、 *Default Japanese FOO font (comma separated, in order of preference)
394、 *Default Korean FOO font (comma separated, in order of preference)
395、 *Default Devanagari (Hindu/Sanskrit) FOO font (comma separated, in order of preference)
396、 *Default Tamil (Sri Lankan) FOO font (comma separated, in order of preference)
397、 *Default Simplified Chinese (China) FOO font (comma separated, in order of preference)
398、 *Default Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) FOO font (comma separated, in order of preference)
399、 *Default FOO font
400、 *Default Arabic FOO font


