
来源:互联网  作者:本站整理
摘要:汉字转换为UTF-8function chinese2unicode(Str) dim i dim Str_one dim Str_unicode for i=1 to len(Str)   Str_one=Mid(St……


function chinese2unicode(Str)
  dim i
  dim Str_one
  dim Str_unicode
  for i=1 to len(Str)
  Str_unicode=Str_unicode& Hex(ascw(Str_one))
  Response.Write Str_unicode
end function

UTF-8 To GB2312

function UTF2GB(UTFStr)
  for Dig=1 to len(UTFStr)
  if mid(UTFStr,Dig,1)="%" then
  if len(UTFStr) >= Dig+8 then
  GBStr=GBStr & ConvChinese(mid(UTFStr,Dig,9))
  GBStr=GBStr & mid(UTFStr,Dig,1)
  end if
  GBStr=GBStr & mid(UTFStr,Dig,1)
  end if
end function

function ConvChinese(x)
  for i=0 to ubound(A)
  for i=0 to ubound(A)-1
  for j=1 to DigS-1
  if j=1 then
  Unicode=Unicode & A(i)
  Unicode=Unicode & A(i)
  end if
  if len(c2to16(Unicode))=4 then
  ConvChinese=ConvChinese & chrw(int("&H" & c2to16(Unicode)))
  ConvChinese=ConvChinese & chr(int("&H" & c2to16(Unicode)))
  end if
end function

function c2to16(x)
  for i=1 to len(x)  step 4
  c2to16=c2to16 & hex(c2to10(mid(x,i,4)))
end function
function c2to10(x)
  if x="0" then exit function
  for i= 0 to len(x) -1
  if mid(x,len(x)-i,1)="1" then c2to10=c2to10+2^(i)
end function

function c16to2(x)
  for i=1 to len(trim(x))
  tempstr= c10to2(cint(int("&h" & mid(x,i,1))))
  do while len(tempstr)<4
  tempstr="0" & tempstr
  c16to2=c16to2 & tempstr
end function

function c10to2(x)
  if x<2^DigS then
  exit do
  end if
  for i=DigS to 1 step-1
  if tempnum>=2^(i-1) then
  c10to2=c10to2 & "1"  
  c10to2=c10to2 & "0"
  end if
  if mysign=-1 then c10to2="-" & c10to2
end function


